Triviality in a sentence as a noun

Joy is found in greatness, not triviality or distraction.

It's the same thing that happens when a program drifts away from triviality - the probability of bugs increases greatly.

Except now you can't reduce things like you would like, and you need to construct multi-level fiber bundles in order to get the triviality that you want.

This triviality is more appropriate for other forums.

Coming up with relevant criteria to determine the triviality of a software patent application doesn't seem simple at all.

" [0]The reason why this article resonates with many readers is that it expresses frustration with the triviality of how our economy allocates resources to start-ups.

It reminds me of the prototypical aggravating DMV person sending a client to the back of a long line ostensibly because of some triviality such as an easily corrected typo on a form but really because they enjoy using their ability to annoy people.

Triviality definitions


the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous

See also: pettiness slightness puniness


a detail that is considered insignificant

See also: technicality trifle


something of small importance

See also: trivia trifle