Pettiness in a sentence as a noun

This has a tinge of pettiness to it, don't you think?

I cannot believe the pettiness of comments here.

It is, I believe, the height of pettiness, and should be avoided at all costs by pragmatists.

I think, trying to read through the pettiness and petulance of it all, that Marco has a fine point to be argued.

I feel like this feeds to pettiness and bitterness toward fellow entrepreneurs that you don't feel "deserve" it.

"I Have A Dream" shows the heights of humanity, and its copyright status shows the pettiness of humanity.

Scientists are no less afflicted with selfishness, vanity or pettiness than people in any other industry.

Never underestimate the pettiness of executives in companies with a lot of money.

Flame-y tone aside, I cannot help but feel exactly like this:> Zounds, Herr Professor Doktor, you seem to be setting a new level of pettiness and arrogance.

I went through public school here, and never suffered through anything worse than the general pettiness that is endemic to teachers and school administrators.

Personally I think innate human greed, pettiness, jealousy, and tribalism is going to make that shift unpleasant for the generation stuck with it.

And more importantly, in those 20 years, my father was able to focus on building a family and a career of his own, free of the pettiness, bickering, and abuse of his own family.

To me watching Apple rake in so much cash just points to how disgusting their pettiness is. A company with almost $100 billion in the bank should not be crushing small publishers by demanding 30% of all their revenues which will add .001% to their bottom line, or suing all other phone manufacturers for some stupid UI element.

In a way, things like this are a part of the whole bloody point that opponents of the NSA have been making: if you put that much surveillance power into the hands of a relatively small number of humans, then they will abuse it. These sort of incidents reveal through their pettiness some of the ways in which massive surveillance invites abuse.

You imply that the OP's problem is petty compared to more serious eBay dispute - but what stops someone from descrying the pettiness of those thousand-dollar disputes, because someone got screwed on a mortgage, worth tens or hundreds of thousands?

The system isn't a democracy or a meritocracy, it's the system with all its ugliness, obfuscation, ambiguity, complexity and pettiness that comes with it being composed of lots of people seeking their own interests.

Pettiness definitions


narrowness of mind or ideas or views


the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous

See also: triviality slightness puniness


lack of generosity in trifling matters

See also: littleness smallness