Relevant in a sentence as an adjective

Just go to the relevant GitHub repo[1][2] and you're set.

Describe the traits of the question or, better yet, figure it out from the content, and show it when it's relevant to someone.

Having this kind of thing happen to someone makes the stuff FSF+co says a bit more relevant and ultimately helps everyone.

The math isn't very relevant because there's a really large unknown: the eventual value of the company.

Maybe, his advice is actually more relevant if he's an older fellow who smoked and now regrets not making a different choice when he was your age.

And why should this be relevant to board service?Politics, religion, and social worldviews divide people and have no place as limiting tests in a business environment.

I hope this serves as encouragement for them to continue to screw over those who want to turn searching for relevant information into a war for who can cheat the system the best.

How can we forget there was an entire generation of people who turned the 1940's USA into the one of the 1970s?I know I've mentioned this on here before but it's relevant: my dad hung sheetrock for living.

It's developing that filter experts have which separates relevant information from irrelevant information.

Do you really think "bringing transparency to the food industry", or the thousands of other startups that go through YC, are even relevant given the reality of the US police state?This has been my biggest criticism of "Hacker" culture.

You didn't realize that this tiny pocket of under-served market, which is of keen and relevant interest to dozens of companies all around you, maybe, just maybe, has huge barriers to entry or scaling, and that every other company already explored it and wrote it off as unprofitable?

This John Carmack quote is relevant and shares your sentiments:"The idea that I can be presented with a problem, set out to logically solve it with the tools at hand, and wind up with a program that could not be legally used because someone else followed the same logical steps some years ago and filed for a patent on it is horrifying.

Relevant definitions


having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue; "the scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research"