Economy in a sentence as a noun

At that time he seemed certain that Japan would be the worlds #1 economy by the year 2000.

Let's assume the global economy grows at 4% per year.

No matter what your standing in the economy, you would always receive the same UBI, and you would always pay the same rate of tax.

Spend enough time around financial types, and you can always find a doomsayer like this man in any sort of economy.

But seductive dystopias are dangerous because they can catch on. Who wouldn't want low crime, clean streets, and a wonderfully healthy economy?

"Another reason that this idea is so wrong-headed is that there can never be enough super-rich people to power a great economy.

#finance #economy"The world economy is in trouble, no doubt, but let's remain reasonable and rational here.

"Our new economy is shrinking because technology leads to efficiency over growth.

This town's economy probably runs on lawsuits that trolls bring in and jury members from the town seem to have special incentive to favor plaintiffs almost 4 out of 5 times!

Could a economy based on Bitcoin survive them, and not crash inevitably into a deflationary spiral?

You can expand this to the whole economy being basically just a set of interdependent positive externalities.

Means-tested social assistance is now a vestigial remnant of an economy strictly dependent upon labor as its primary input for growth.

This is the most fascinating part of the Bitcoin story: watching a group of people who are philosophically opposed to most elements of the modern economy discover, one by one, why all those elements exist.

We mean agree to give the US all of the information about all of the international financial transactions that anyone within your entire economy either does or attempts to do that cross a border.

Things like microprocessors, thermostats, smart Tvs, graphics cards, dialysis machines, car entertainment systems, accounting packages, factory floor software, and so much more are the engines of our economy.

After doldrums and threats, which I will discuss briefly below, I was let go, without notice, stuck with a six-month lease in location with a hyper-inflated real estate economy.> As an engineer, your job is to build things that solve > problems.

Let us be clear—online piracy is a real problem that harms the American economy, and threatens jobs for significant numbers of middle class workers and hurts some of our nation's most creative and innovative companies and entrepreneurs.

That generation - my parents' generation - really did a large portion of the work involved with building out the physical infrastructure that allows our economy to operate as it does today: buildings, roads, power lines, mining, machinery, warehouses, etc.

So, ladies and gentlemen, here's an idea worth spreading: in a capitalist economy, the true job creators are middle-class consumers, and taxing the rich to make investments to make the middle class grow and thrive is the single shrewdest thing we can do for the middle class, for the poor, and for the rich.

Economy definitions


the system of production and distribution and consumption


the efficient use of resources; "economy of effort"


frugality in the expenditure of money or resources; "the Scots are famous for their economy"

See also: thriftiness


an act of economizing; reduction in cost; "it was a small economy to walk to work every day"; "there was a saving of 50 cents"

See also: saving