Slightness in a sentence as a noun

If you think it's naive for your users or loved ones to call you when they have the slightness doubt about something, then perhaps the problem is with how they feel treated or the way you present yourself to them when need help?

The problem is when the scammer manage to convince them everything is normal, which is exactly what they are good at.> if you think it's naive for your users or loved ones to call you when they have the slightness doubt about something...I think you just affirmed their point.

The frankly appalling discussion going on over at the nyt's comments section with first world environmentalists saying the author and the rest of that third world people should just "move to the city" without even the slightness sign of empathy towards people who make less in a year than what many nyt readers make in a day ironically reminds me of the attitude many far-right US nationals have regarding immigration.

Slightness definitions


the quality of being unimportant and petty or frivolous

See also: pettiness triviality puniness


smallness of stature

See also: delicacy


the property of an attractively thin person

See also: slenderness slimness