Refinement in a sentence as a noun

That kind of thinking is one of the reasons that refinement doesn't take place as often as you and I would like.

For the most part, however, we only use about 30-33 levels of refinement.

TL;DR"In some ways, Mountain Lion is a refinement, enhancement, and yes, a major bug-fix for Lion.

>A few years ago, a young pro named Phil Galfond published a crucial refinement to Mr. Sklansky's point.

But OpaquePRF is basically the same concept, and by the same authors; extended_random_value is a refinement.

But there is something to be said for getting it shipped and starting the process of refinement and improvement.

There is room for refinement and testing in design, but I think it has to be coupled with a clear design goals and opinions.

People can only fit so many new concepts in their head at once, and blasting them with refinement types from day one isn't a great idea.

You've got all the decades afterward to work on narrow refinement and career progression...

Windows has been a never ending refinement on exceptionally shaky ground.

I have a nominal post in my head contrasting the development and refinement of a colorscheme like this vs the infamous 41 shades of blue.

It's a refinement of ideas from functional programming, just like javascript is a refinement of ideas from imperative programming.

This is intellectually lazy, because the entire point of writing a paper, or proposing a theory, or researching a topic, is to do the up-front legwork of hypothesis-test-refinement.

AV isn't the perfect preferential voting system, but it's our only hope of a transition to any form of preferential voting right now, which opens the door for refinement later instead of closing the debate for another 20 years.

Refinement definitions


a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad

See also: polish culture cultivation finish


the result of improving something; "he described a refinement of this technique"

See also: elaboration


the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)

See also: refining purification


a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude; "without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor"; "don't argue about shades of meaning"

See also: nuance nicety shade subtlety


the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste; "a man of intellectual refinement"; "he is remembered for his generosity and civilization"

See also: civilization civilisation