Culture in a sentence as a noun

It's been part of their culture for a whole generation now.

But it's hard for them to get funding for it because it's not part of our culture.

I have read about Github's open culture, but hey, how could anyone do that!?

I think they feed a culture of passivity and attention deficit.

Shouldn't their progeny and the progeny of their religion and culture get the benefits of it?

How much scapegoating happens even today around immigrants and crime, jobs, culture, etc.?

A decent amount of history looks like people trying to force their culture, their nationality, and their genes forward through history.

Whether someone is the first person someplace or not, people and culture become entrenched and people don't want to see that culture change away from them.

Today, it does not because the world is big and diverse and because entrepreneurs today who do startups come from all sorts of cultures and backgrounds.

Culture in a sentence as a verb

Startup culture thirty years ago had a decidedly American flavor.

I also point out to women when they're putting up with sexist behavior, because it's so ingrained in our culture that too few even recognize it properly.

As a progressive younger person who has been swimming in internet culture for 15 years now, I find my attitude, wants, needs, and desires are almost completely left out of pop culture.

I really, really hope the culture of leaking information becomes so strong that governments will become incapable of keeping anything a secret.

But declaring "war" on our own population is a pretty idiotic way to spend our social resources if you ask me. Just like the "war on poverty," the "war on illiteracy," the "war on obesity," and the "culture war," enough with the wars already.

The sheer amount of greed on display in debates about this game is deeply unnerving, and it seems as though modern culture has forgotten that there are many things that are more important than money.

Is Vine really a radical new way to communicate, or is it merely the nadir of audiovisual culture, fragmenting the world into six-second shards of nothingness?

But until the corporate "software project" culture understands why it happens and why people are often far happier with their clunky spreadsheet than with your shiny WPF app or web page, I don't think this problem is going to go away.

But this start-up model of hiring scales just fine to companies of 500-1,000 technical people if you're willing to create a culture where everyone, especially the top technical leadership, is personally invested in hiring and devotes a reasonable amount of time to evaluating people.

Culture definitions


a particular society at a particular time and place; "early Mayan civilization"

See also: civilization civilisation


the tastes in art and manners that are favored by a social group


all the knowledge and values shared by a society

See also: acculturation


(biology) the growing of microorganisms in a nutrient medium (such as gelatin or agar); "the culture of cells in a Petri dish"


a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad

See also: polish refinement cultivation finish


the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization; "the developing drug culture"; "the reason that the agency is doomed to inaction has something to do with the FBI culture"


the raising of plants or animals; "the culture of oysters"


grow in a special preparation; "the biologist grows microorganisms"