Nuance in a sentence as a noun

Just to put a bit of nuance in this article.

I am fascinated by the nuance that went into this decision.

| what they said wasn't appropriate in the | opinion of their employer There's more nuance than that.

We need to be more incremental, more nuanced; that's what they've done, and that's why they are getting everything they want.

There has been no entity in human history with less complexity or nuance to it than Oracle.

And let's be honest, for most of us the nuances of the VC world are poorly understood outside of actual VC companies.

What I found was quite the opposite, there's a lot more nuance in that book than would really be absorbed by high school students being forced to read it.

And I've overheard plenty of handoffs and can attest to the interactions between doctors and the nuance that can't be expressed in writing.

The message I got from his body language, nuance, and phrasing was something like "Obviously people who are elected from heavy technology areas are feeling a lot of heat.

And is it just me, or does this article not even take its own advice as evidenced by phrases such as "oh ye smart and lonely"?Some more nuanced advice would have been nice, so I'll toss this out there: my current effort is to avoid over-qualifying what I say.

Nuance definitions


a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude; "without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor"; "don't argue about shades of meaning"

See also: nicety shade subtlety refinement