Civilization in a sentence as a noun

In words much older than our civilization: "Do not follow in the footsteps of the Sages.

The legacy of thousands of years of civilization is being stolen from us.

To me the beauty of western civilization is that really broken people can do these amazing and awesome things.

So clearly it is possible for an entire civilization to pull itself up by its bootstraps through capitalism.

This is a monumental event on the scale of the invention of agriculture, it is a turning point in human civilization.

What we have here is a worthless parasite class -- a decadent nobility -- that has buried itself into our civilization like a tick.

One could say that our whole civilization is built on such communication, as one could not conduct business, make a war or govern a country without mail.

I think if instead everyone had to learn an almost equal share of hard science and liberal arts for any degree, then we'd have a better civilization.

History doesn't make any sense at all unless you learn to stop seeing it through 20th/21st century preconceptions about ethics or civilization.

It's kind of questionable that a one-paragraph throwaway rant like this has hit the front page of HN. But if that indicates that a lot of people around here have burned their facebook accounts, or are planning to, that would be a hopeful sign for civilization.

To label it as a police state is not quite apt, but to label it as some sort of monster that is an enemy to the advancement of human civilization would be supremely justified.

No. I'm pretty sure it was about why and how European civilizations were able to conquer technology and the world, and specifically why many of the developments critical to the rise of European supremacy are not found in other societies.

That book is specifically and primarily about identifying the key developments in Europe which allowed that civilization to rise in power.

The closest thing that might get you there is farming communities in the Midwest... with no power, or cell phones, or cars, or houses, with dangerous wild animals still roaming about, no medical treatment, no firearms, and no prior 21st-century civilization thought patterns, and you're still only sort of glimpsing it.

Now, I don't say this to suggest that all homeless people deserve to live in camps like this, but I would like to suggest that the existence of homeless camps is not a sign that our society is beyond "common decency and civilization... so far beyond that it's obscene", as one commenter has described it.

Your response to this as a US citizen cannot with any ethical justification be along the lines of "well, if you can't make us stop doing this, you are too weak and deserve everything we deem appropriate".Even if you're not interested in ethics, and you really should be because it has everything to do with protecting groups of people you are not a part of, you could at least view it from a practical perspective: this attitude is incredibly damaging to the Western civilization as a whole.

Civilization definitions


a society in an advanced state of social development (e.g., with complex legal and political and religious organizations); "the people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization"

See also: civilisation


the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization

See also: civilisation


a particular society at a particular time and place; "early Mayan civilization"

See also: culture civilisation


the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste; "a man of intellectual refinement"; "he is remembered for his generosity and civilization"

See also: refinement civilisation