Cultivation in a sentence as a noun

Learning is both a talent and a skill that needs cultivation.

The intentional rational cultivation of toughness, that is the point the new lion might not get.

But the competitive advantage of druglords is controlling the means of distribution, not the means of cultivation.

Moderation can only trim the edges, and remove the bad actors, but the tonne and tools will not be set by moderation, but rather cultivation by the users.

There are large amounts of marginal land that is not really useful for large scale cultivation, but perfectly usable as feedland for free ranging animals.

Get a company like Monsanto interested in the commercial cultivation of ********* and it'll be legal within the day.

The deliberate cultivation of individual creativity may end up being the most important social result of computer technology.

A proper disagreement with this position might be based around a purposeful cultivation of the minority to overcome the historical imbalance or avoid a flawed evaluation of merit.

It in the exact same way that they destroyed MegauploadYou mean by filing a case against them and then, in the discovery process, locating the emails in which the founders of Mt. Gox openly admit that the whole enterprise is built on deliberate cultivation of commercial copyright infringement, so much so that the operators of Mt. Gox actually pay their users to upload pirated movies?That sounds far fetched.

The cultivation of insider info paid for, then 'laundered' offshore for for-profit use while those involved also get a cut of the profits?Beuller?edit edit: I would honestly appreciate input to whoever does the negative votes, sometimes sprees.

He might however assert without the smallest chance of being contradicted by a future fact, that no carnation or anemone could ever by cultivation be increased to the size of a large cabbage; and yet there are assignable quantities much greater than a cabbage.

70% of Canadians support, at minimum, decriminalizing ********* yet our government recently increased sentencing for cultivation.

I mean, "Amusing Ourselves to Death" was published in 1985, and Nietzsche wrote in 1874, Increasingly we lose this sense of surprise, so that we are no longer overly amazed at anything and, ultimately, find satisfaction in everythingthis is what is called historical sensibility, historical cultivation.

It's more about the middle east than Latin America, but I think it applies:"Poppy cultivation had become an agribusiness and the dealers for the Afghan drug barons now had technical advisers who were visiting Nangarhar to advise on the crop and the product, paying in advance, and so concerned about the health of their workers that they had given them face-masks to wear in the opium factories.

Cultivation definitions


socialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners; "her cultivation was remarkable"


(agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops (especially on a large scale)


a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality; "they performed with great polish"; "I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"; "almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"--Joseph Conrad

See also: polish refinement culture finish


the process of fostering the growth of something; "the cultivation of bees for honey"


the act of raising or growing plants (especially on a large scale)