Encourage in a sentence as a verb

For example, if you do hire people to work in your house, make sure that you encourage them to educate their children ?

What an awful way to encourage inventive people to follow their dreams and build new products for everyone.

It'll keep up the current "tipping culture", discourage hoarding, and encourage us doge to trade and share, til we get to the moon.

We encourage the founders\nto help one another of course, but Sam's example had more effect\nthan our exhortations.

Show everything and customers will trust you more.- Use social stuff like Twitter to encourage customer feedback.

Why does HN give karma points for submitting articles?That's never made any sense to me. All it does is encourage this kind of behavior, where you submit everything you can find in the hopes of gaining points.

"In appendTo, we’ve constructed our business model to encourage our staff to keep an effective and balanced schedule.

I had a number of concerns browsing through Pariser's book, but I would encourage anyone interested in these issues to pick up a copy; it's a thoughtful read.

I encourage her to delete this post and initiate a criminal trial in order to hold the perpetrator accountable.

We will strongly encourage Google developers start off targeting Chrome-only whenever possible as this gives us the best end user experience.

It will create a positive loop that encourages others to follow and interact with their main corporate account.- Respond before something is actually important.

There is a huge difference between low-quality video/audio recording of a prof mumbling for an hour and post-processed, perfected snippets of videos presented in a coherent fashion, and most importantly with supplementary materials that encourage people to actually apply their knowledge and get feedback.

This part of the Act says, in effect, "we realize that the IPO market has been moribund ever since SOX was enacted and, because part of the reason is the heavy regulatory burdens imposed by SOX, we will seek to encourage more IPOs by giving issuers more incentive to go public without having to face huge expenses right out the gate.

Indeed, a key aspect of copyright is precisely to encourage people to create - to invest the very blood and sweat that it often takes to do something great - in order that society generally will be enhanced and improved as creative works are done, are made available to the world as the creator may decide, and eventually pass into the public domain.

Encourage definitions


contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"

See also: promote advance boost further


inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to


spur on; "His financial success encouraged him to look for a wife"