Promote in a sentence as a verb

YC has once again managed to innovate in fascinating ways that help promote startups.

Honest and fair billing should be the goal of both lawyers and clients and this seems like an excellent model for helping to promote this.

In their forums, they will promote power users to semi-moderators.

Yet he still seems unapologetic "I dont think what I did was that wrong since the marketing team did not do anything to promote our new features.

They seem to be fairly common in our community, which is unfortunate, and we seem to actively promote them, which is unfortunate++.

Scolding and finger-wagging was bad enough coming from a first-grade teacher trying to promote sanctimonious values back in the 1950s.

Life has enough problems without having someone of a judgmental spirit continually taking us to task for wanting to have some fun as well or for trying to promote fun things for others.

They don't want to challenge the government, they don't want to question it, not even when it's clearly violating it's own most important rules - the rules that, presumably, we've been fighting to promote these last 200 years.

For the tl;dr crowd, here's the key takeaway: "Most companies promote workers into managerial positions because they seemingly deserve it, rather than because they have the talent for it.

The problem, as with white geeks, is that Asian-Americans disproportionately aren't learning how to bs, how to promote themselves and their products, how to become salesmen.

Now lots of new book authors would love that deal because they know how to write books but they have no idea how to promote them into bookstores and Amazon's top lists etc. Unlike books though web apps don't pay out a revenue stream on per-unit sales.

And there are even other parts of the Constitutionincluding the right to pass laws to protect To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

If true, the aggressively planned PR campaign indicates that this was more than just a politically-sensitive topic, but rather a politically-motivated talk: He had hired a PR firm to promote the talk to MoveOn and others, and the PR firm warned us .

> The problem, as with white geeks, is that Asian-Americans disproportionately aren't learning how to bs, how to promote themselves and their productsActually it is the attitude like this -- the attitude that equates self-promotion with ******** -- that causes problems for people with an engineering mindset.

Promote definitions


contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"

See also: advance boost further encourage


give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"

See also: upgrade advance raise elevate


make publicity for; try to sell (a product); "The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"; "The company is heavily advertizing their new laptops"

See also: advertise advertize push


be changed for a superior chess or checker piece


change a pawn for a better piece by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it to the row closest to your opponent