Doge in a sentence as a noun

People give their dogecoins to the bank and the bank lends the dogecoins to me.

Make the collar hijack any wifi devices it can and use their CPUs to mine dogecoin2.

It'll keep up the current "tipping culture", discourage hoarding, and encourage us doge to trade and share, til we get to the moon.

My confusion as to which doge represents which number is offset by my drive to get to the next tier and see what doge will come next.

Ok so now a bank has given me a certain amount of dogecoin denominated credit.

I was however once tipped 10 doge on reddit for a rather clever dick joke... I do not have any sort of financial bone in this matter.

Suppose there are a bunch of crappy dogecoin debtors out there and none of us can pay back our dogecoin denominated debt.

It's a two faced presentation from that community, when the price of dogecoin goes up they get behind "doge to the moon", if the price goes down it's "all for fun".

Presumably that is backed up by dogecoin denominated savings accounts or whatever.

Doge definitions


formerly the chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa