Psychotic in a sentence as a noun

How could a psychotic 17-year old be let off with a handshake and a look in the eye?

They have 20 years of great results treating newly psychotic patients.

IF they ask you to give up rights to your inventions in the interview its a big freaking clue that management is psychotic.

Why are people saying he may have been drugged with something that causes a psychotic episode etc. I mean really WTF, this is straight up crazy conspiracy nonsense.

You think that, for instance, someone trying to leave an abusive partner doesn't have more reason to want their whereabouts unknown than someone with no psychotic acquaintances?

He sells students' fiction to half-assed writers for personal profit and political reasons and makes it obvious because he's a psychotic who hates women and loves money.

So I do criticize PHP on many fronts, from its psychotic language decisions to it's slapdash internals and it's blatant encouragement of idiotic programming practices.

Psychotic in a sentence as an adjective

I don't know of any physician who regularly treats psychotic patients in emergency rooms who recommends that young people with family history medical risk for psychosis use *********.

They'll pinch pennies on benefits, lay people off for the slightest reason or no reason, and burn hours of time on psychotic, all-consuming performance review systems, while missing the ******* point, which is: the real existential risk is when innovation stops.

It's tough to develop an animal model of the psychotic symptoms of mania, which is why this is not an easy problem to solve--how to develop a drug that makes depressed patients enjoy normal mood states without breaking through to florid mania.

Severe sleep deprivation can result in all the psychotic symptoms of florid mania even for most people without a medical history of mood disorders, and it is particularly dangerous for people who have already been through an episode of mania.

Cannabis may have valid clinical applications, but there are still dangers associated with its use, especially increased risk of psychotic symptoms [1]Painting the issue as black and white, and conflating arguments for medicinal and recreational use, is not conducive to rational debate.

>>> In this day and age, to aspire to the Presidency, you're either a psychotic power luster capable of any lies and misdeeds necessary to win the office...Just a little clarification - I am pretty sure you make the same mistake that apparently many people do and confuse 'psychotic' and 'psychopathic'.

Psychotic definitions


a person afflicted with psychosis

See also: psycho


characteristic of or suffering from psychosis