Psycho in a sentence as a noun

Let's say someday I, for some reason, become a psycho and want to **** people.

I do wonder, if Twitter hadn't gone psycho on the twitter clients, if this problem would have been solved.

Apart from those "psycho-tactile" arguments, the biggest problems of those GTD apps is their ridiculous overhead.

Let's not lose a generation of highly-skilled talent due to psycho-nostalgic policies.

Not to psycho-analyze too much, but the lack of vote scores removes the pressure to have the best comment or a better score than someone that has a different perspective.

One reason I have never responded to their recruitment efforts is that every psycho I've worked with over the past decade is now a manager at Google.

Even if two people are being totally respectful to start with, it can become psychologically difficult when the other person is getting more votes.

Same psycho freedom stealing prosecutor also had to grovel to the courts a few days ago that her office arrested the wrong guy in a high profile gang case because he kind of looked like who they were after.

Others have reputations for being psycho assholes [not mentioning names].I have around 20k nautical miles, 2 atlantic crossings, cruised africa, thailand, and my younger bro and parents put me to shame in miles/experience.

" I don't think it's because they can't do division in their head; I think when the conversation starts out with a fixed-price premise, that computation just gets routed to a different psycho-social/emotional bucket.

I mean on one level it's just.. weird, but on the other hand, how many other games can you describe where you're searching through a house in the dark and all the sudden some psycho player starts slowly chasing you down playing tiny tim music through his microphone?!

Psycho definitions


a person afflicted with psychosis

See also: psychotic