Arable in a sentence as an adjective

We do not have a food problem, we do not use the majority of available arable land as it is.

"a full diet replacement that eventually won't need to leverage crops, for areas with no arable land.

Egypt's population is around 80M I think... and I'm pretty sure the arable land is right around 2% and it drops every year.

> But fewer people in future will mean it has more living space, more arable land per head, and a higher quality of life, says Eberstadt.

Actually, if the corporate farmers grew the same crops in the field year after year, the land would eventually not be arable.

" As the population keeps rising and arable land keeps disappearing, we're gonna need GMO crops to keep large parts of the world from starvation.

Iowa has a grid on a 1-mile spacing of gravel roads - not so you can race to grandma's house in your car, but so all arable land can be serviced by tractor and truck.

Because we've reached the limits of arable land in much of the world, this means making more land suitable for food production, finding new ways to provide water, and making crops be able to grow better in different conditions.

For instance:- Center of all landmass- Center of all arable land- Center of population- Center of population weighted by incomeEspecially if viewed over time, this would give a better sense of the meaning of this data.

We know how to sustainably produce large amounts of food from a given amount of arable land, and we have plenty of arable land to feed not just the current global population, but the projected maximum global population.

Arable definitions


(of farmland) capable of being farmed productively

See also: cultivable cultivatable tillable