Aspire in a sentence as a verb

Many of us on HN aspire to the success that Steve's had.

"But if theres anything I do aspire to, its being a writer.

Being an internet version of Donald Trump is not something I would aspire to

Dustin seemingly doesn't aspire to elegance and he's content with simply being popular.

Woz is, for me, the ISO standard geek, the distillation of all that I aspire to. Somewhere in Paris is a vault, and in that vault is a platinum-iridium Steve Wozniak, against which all of us are judged and found wanting.

To admit your mistakes without shame, and try again without bitterness--to lose your ego, in other words--is something I certainly aspire to, as a programmer and a human being.

In a completely opposite situation, if the star programmers work in isolation, disdain to discuss their work with lesser programmers, neglect to document their code, and aspire to write code that no one else understands, junior programmers will learn some very unhelpful lessons.

Aspire definitions


have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal