Pretense in a sentence as a noun

But maybe let's drop the pretense that we're curing cancer unless, you know, we're curing cancer.

And without any remote pretense around the ‘emulate a live finger’.

It felt like free food was on offer at least once a week, usually with a pretense of some small milestone to celebrate.

[1] I support the position, I support the underlying message, but I find the pretense rather silly.

FFS, me and my boss got pulled over by undercover police just last month on a ******** pretense that we didn't signal the turn, which he did 100%.

The vote totals in Florida were within the margin of error, making the election a coin **** with the pretense of counting [1].

Intellectual Ventures has abandoned all pretense of using patent law as it was intended.

They operate under a pretense of "reducing harm" yet are actively trying to create more crime to validate their existence.

The selective enforcement of laws and punishment is a well known form of tyranny hiding under pretense of "law and order".

Since all browsers are essentially becoming poor mans virtual machines, why not drop the pretense and adapt some kind of bytecode instead.

I also wholeheartedly believe that trying to pin virtue on the process of being a consumer of "the best" of anything is little more than pretense

I still have little faith that the government will be able to stop it, given that Congress has dropped all pretense of being anything other than available to the highest bidder.

The point, though, is that releasing the source code under the pretense that it is the running code can create a legal obligation that what's released is what's run. No, it doesn't prevent them from running something else, but it at least creates the possibility of audits and consequences if they do so.

I do however have a problem with companies that is exempted from liability while effectively renting out products under the pretense of selling products.

That essentially looks like Somalia or Syria or Libya - total chaos, with constant risk of offending one warlord or another or some gang of bandits, and none of them will make the slightest pretense of listening to you. Avoiding that requires having one government with enough power to squash anybody like that.

Supporters of both political parties endorse, or at least tolerate, all manner of government punishment without so much as the pretense of a trial, based solely on government accusation: imprisonment for life, renditions to other countries, even assassinations of their fellow citizens.

He calls games like Angry Birds or Bejeweled, which ensnare players in addictive loops of frustration and gratification under the pretense that skill is required to win, 'abusive' -- a common diagnosis among those who get hooked on the games, but a surprising one from a game designer, ostensibly charged with doing the hooking.

"Of course such determinations should be left to the professionals, our Supreme Leader, the oh-so-popular Congress and the stalwart defenders of liberty and justice: the Courts -- which are all so trustworthy, moral, and competent.. and who would never hide anything under the pretense of "national security" to cover their own asses, to grab more wealth and power, or keep the public from knowing of atrocities and crimes they, their buddies or their lackeys have commited.

Pretense definitions


the act of giving a false appearance; "his conformity was only pretending"

See also: pretence pretending simulation feigning


pretending with intention to deceive

See also: pretence feigning dissembling


imaginative intellectual play

See also: pretence make-believe


a false or unsupportable quality

See also: pretension pretence


an artful or simulated semblance; "under the guise of friendship he betrayed them"

See also: guise pretence pretext