Osmosis in a sentence as a noun

It's possible to learn a lot simply by osmosis of reading this site.

Or are you suggesting osmosis doesn't occur across cell membranes.

PA tends to hire by osmosis when it can, because "cultural fit" is by far the most important factor.

If Bobby hangs out in an expensive looking place, maybe he'll get a high-paying job by some sort of osmosis!

And through financial osmosis people who vote republican become rich, right?

You're 90s style is something no hipster can ever achieve through cultural osmosis.

The material can probably get into your body by osmosis alone.

It performs far beyond what any filtration system, distiller or reverse osmosis system will ever do for you.

There are opportunities to pick it up. I have worked in bioinformatics labs and have learned tons of biology and chemistry just through osmosis.

Cultural interchange and osmosis is the name of the game, without it we'd be stuck with isolated, provincial, outmoded cultures.

Or maybe you're disputing the process of osmosis altogether and the transfer between varying salinities.

You would start as an apprentice, watching an experienced programmer write code, helping fix syntax errors and spelling mistakes, while learning through osmosis.

The most effective treatment method, reverse osmosis, is extremely energy intensive and thus very expensive.

This is a well know political trick to shift the axis of a debate towards your position by continually drip feeding stories using loaded words so that eventually everyone tends to accept some or all of your position by osmosis.

I love the elegance of this book, I learned most of what is in it already by "osmosis" before buying it, still love to skim it just for how masterly it is written and how nicely the problems are approached, definitely something to aspire to.

Osmosis definitions


(biology, chemistry) diffusion of molecules through a semipermeable membrane from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration until the concentration on both sides is equal