Simulation in a sentence as a noun

If you're young, you spend a while thinking "But it could all just be a simulation!

A lot of work, simulation and testing goes into all of their projects.

I think it is great that Danielle stepped outside the simulation and took a solid look at where she was going.

For all intents, the drawing simulation brand name is "FiftyThree".

" Until you finally realize that yes, it could all just be a simulation, but it doesn't matter.

Even that will cost me $1000, in practice I will probably end up with just a simulation on my PC. Mindstorms looks cool but almost by definition it is just a toy.

The next step is developing a prototype, and/or a network simulation to run experiments.

Any micro-scale view was just a visualization of the macro simulation.

It's an interesting simulation, but fatally flawed by the assumption that transactions between actors are a zero sum game.

Quip seen on Twitter [1]: "Disabling features of SimCity due to ineffective central infrastructure is probably the most realistic simulation of the modern city.

You grasp the really cool part of the concept -- we all live on computers -- and forget that details and practical implications -- simulated people living in a simulation and real people living in reality aren't really different.

This is very exciting progress, but let's remember that there is a rather important caveat with this sort of thing;"For their computer simulation, the researchers had the advantage of extensive scientific literature on the bacterium.

I found that unsettling even at an age when I didn't know much of the politics, given that the manual even of the original presented it as a simulation and went into great detail about the techniques they'd applied to make the simulation more realistic...

They found that the performance characteristics -- which problems are easier to solve and which harder, and by how much -- match up well between D-Wave's machine and the simulation of the quantum process it's meant to be an implementation of, whereas classical simulated annealing doesn't match at all well.

Simulation definitions


the act of imitating the behavior of some situation or some process by means of something suitably analogous (especially for the purpose of study or personnel training)


(computer science) the technique of representing the real world by a computer program; "a simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated"


representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale)

See also: model


the act of giving a false appearance; "his conformity was only pretending"

See also: pretense pretence pretending feigning