Dissembling in a sentence as a noun

Tim Cook was dissembling because he didn't want to admit he just bought the rights to a name.

Yes, it is an insult, and you're not doing anyone any favors by dissembling.

It's the telco's and the anti-NN crowd that want to change that, not the other way around, despite their dissembling.

No dissembling can change that fact at that point, all the caveats of how and what you can rewrite take effect whether you like it or not.

Dishonesty - fabricating facts and then dissembling to cover it up - is not an oopsie that we try and avoid.

Getting the glue off and otherwise dissembling a smartphone screen without breaking anything is not easy!

Those who are defending this as a reasonable and commonplace policy are dissembling at best.

Statistical equality does not seem relevant at all; I don't know why you brought it up. I'm suspicious that you are dissembling.

Unfortunately her dissembling on this issue so far sort of edges me into the latter category.

Having watched the exchange, I'm inclined to say that Google are dissembling and trying to hide the truth about their activities in the UK in an attempt to pay no tax.

We know this by simply looking around at political discourse, to the point that I almost wonder if you're dissembling when you claim that nobody thinks this way.

" But there's also "oh that rsync you see there is for our geographically redundant backup facility" or whatever -- in other words, dissembling.

Just look at the primary GNU Project About page; it's a disaster of anxious dissembling, fussing over terminology, scolding people who only 95% agree with him, and taking pages and paaaaages to do it.

Dissembling definitions


pretending with intention to deceive

See also: pretense pretence feigning


the act of deceiving

See also: deception deceit dissimulation