Feigning in a sentence as a noun

"No feigning surprise" or anything of the sort can be important.

Otherwise, you're feigning more precision than you actually have.

"* "You were just feigning ignorance about that to get me to try to explain it so you could attack my explanation!

I'm fond of feigning disbelief at how simple this attack is, given how widespread RC4's adoption is.

My wife used to see as a doctor lots of people that where feigning illness just to get the medical dismiss and receive a pay without working.

Likewise, the feigning surprise one is a common problem in real-world conversations.

They know exactly what they're doing and occasionally feigning ignorance.

The unethical part comes in when you're purposely padding your estimates, delaying response, feigning work load, or profiting from a side business.

Nike feigning ignorance is a fiction needed to prevent retaliation from moralists with their heads in the sand, a constituency that sadly cannot be ignored.

There's nothing more hypocritical than geeks feigning technological helplessness.

If you ever want to completely and utterly misunderstand a subject, I could not think of any better way to do that than to follow this advice.> You were just feigning ignorance about that to get me to try to explain it so you could attack my explanation!And this is a psychotic level of insecurity manifesting itself as delusions of persecution.

Feigning definitions


pretending with intention to deceive

See also: pretense pretence dissembling


the act of giving a false appearance; "his conformity was only pretending"

See also: pretense pretence pretending simulation