Margin in a sentence as a noun

When there is nothing but ads, Google is sending you to high-margin ****.

However, again that margin is still fairly small, what they need is game sales.

Rather, the two big problems are margin and, worse for a startup, inventory costs.

If the company has a slim margin to begin with, they will never even be able to start in the "race.

Best Buy is a public company and is required to account for this difference, which is its gross margin.

If you want to win at the "italian restaurant" search game, you have to bid the highest for the ad, which means you must have the highest margin.

This means, however, you are 7% likely to lose all the money, and we only make .9% margins, so this is going to be a No. We get that you don't like this.

You have deliberately chosen to give yourself no margin of error in designing this system.

Its partners get to keep the high-margin hardware business that Google doesn't need anyway, Google puts a floor on how bad the low-end phones can be and still make it to market.

Third, Microsoft is making far more headway than other console makers in earning revenue from digital goods and services, where the profit margins are the highest.

"Your margin is my opportunity" is probably my favorite Bezosism.

Software-development estimates are regularly off by a large margin for two reasons.

The new guy was arguably the most talented guy in the company by a considerable margin, so he thought someone building a $700K home might've been overextending themselves.

Even putting aside the big-ticket problems like inventory and margin, there are a lot of other things that suck about hardware: lead times, managing supply chain, QA and managing defects, field recalls, shipping.

But, exclusivity aside, the value of the photo also has nothing to do with how much it cost the photographer to take each shot at the margin, and it has nothing to do with the cost to make each marginal sale.

This rocket alone represents a dramatic disruption of the entire orbital launch industry, offering to make launch of both humans and cargo cheaper than it's ever been by an incredibly wide margin.

It's so easy to do both complex things like 3D animations but also simple things like position something centered horizontally or vertically by just saying align:center, oh, sorry, it's margin: 0 auto, right, no?

Given that perspective and Apple's very cushy margins, I expected Amazon not to approach the market with an expensive phone packed with new features, but to approach the market from the bottom, with a good phone that is free or nearly free.

Margin definitions


the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary

See also: border perimeter


an amount beyond the minimum necessary; "the margin of victory"


the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities


(finance) the net sales minus the cost of goods and services sold


the blank space that surrounds the text on a page; "he jotted a note in the margin"


a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits

See also: allowance leeway tolerance