Hedge in a sentence as a noun

, and start a hedge fund that is actually located in a hedge.

Mutual funds and hedge funds exploit this all the time. They start lots of funds that all invest a little differently.

It was Palantir Finance, and it was built for use at hedge funds and financial houses as a quant analysis platform for traders.

- invest a little money into Padmapper as a hedge and hope it does well. - charge Padmapper a data access fee These are all totally reasonable options.

Much better to take that hedge fund job. The really concerning potential consequence of this is that it could result in a dearth of innovation in cures for diseases, and we won't see the affect of losses until 5 or 10 years down the road.

Many go on to work in private equity or for a hedge fund, both of which tend to pay significantly more than banking but with much more sane hours and a far better quality of life. Others do things like biz dev or take other misc finance roles.

Next pensions invest in hedge funds just as much as they do companies, and those hedge funds took a good chunk of that money because they are shorting these companies with questionable valuations. They could be having a great time with the IPO market.

So I went back as a hedge, part time. The only difference between the first and second time I went to school, is that the second time I was determined to get straight A's, and graduate as quickly as possible, so I could get into a good post-grad program.

All of a sudden they start talking about putting an extra 10-15% in escrow, or doing an earn-out instead of a straight acquisition, as a hedge. Or they decide they want to interview a few more customers before they pull the trigger.

It lengthens and weakens the prose to hedge every statement, making the actual message much less clear. Yes, people need to be disclaimed from believing everything they read, but you know whose responsibility that is?

Microsoft is charging between 20 to 30%, so Steam seems to be very worried about their revenue stream and thus supporting Linux as a hedge. Of course the regular desktop Steam client will keep working, but not on Windows RT ARM devices.

Hedge in a sentence as a verb

I used to work on wall street, and these sort of articles were rampant up until the burst: they glamorize financial "wizards", hedge funds, trading life etc. They're financial porn.

But the problem with this suburb is that people are too rich: they all have their gardens maintained by gardening services, who use among other things gas-powered leaf blowers and hedge trimmers. The leaf blowers in particular are unbelievably loud.

However, we sorta have to hedge our bets in terms of what we recommend others do. We have a pretty serious backwards-compatibility promise, and we're not 100% certainly we've nailed down all the Python 3 APIs perfectly.

I had interned at a former hedge fund managers website and learned to write about financial markets. I had my own financial website, and I tweeted with financial TV personalities on a regular basis.

A classical example is you're a farmer that wants to hedge the risk that your crop will fail due to random weather events or that there will be such a glut in the market that you won't be able to sell your crop profitably. So, you enter a contract to sell your crop at a fixed rate long before harvest comes along.

Reminds me of calls I receive from top flight hedge funds. "You'll be working with astronomically smart people who use crystalline cohomology to obtain the best polynomial time approximation algorithms for intractable problems.

Firstly there is the irony of a "blue collar hedge fund manager" There's the fact the lack of an IPO bump means Facebook equity holders are the people who made money out of it, instead of the investment banks buying at the opening and hoping to sell at the bump price. Then there's the whole "HN thinks Facebook is worthless and has the satisfaction of seeing the stock drop on the opening day."

There is a good reason that relational databases have long been the default data store for new apps: they are fundamentally a hedge on how you query your data. A fully-normalized database is a space-efficient representation of some data model which can be queried reasonably efficiently from any angle with a bit of careful indexing. Of course relational databases being a hedge, are not optimal for anything.

Eric Weinstein wrote that, "We have spent the last decades inhibiting such socially marginal individuals or chasing them to drop out of our research enterprise and into startups and hedge funds. As a result our universities are increasingly populated by the over-vetted specialist to become the dreaded centers of excellence that infantilize and uniformize the promising minds of greatest agency."

While this kind of toolset will never provide quite the bang for the buck of a contextual IDE in a specific language, it's a phenomenal hedge against all the career risks I face in terms of Ruby becoming irrelevant, the web becoming irrelevant, Apple nerfing OS X, or any other probable sea change. No matter what happens I feel like vim + bash will bring me an immediate level of productivity in any new task I face, even if I start flattening out before I reach the Eclipse or Visual Studio level of wizardry, I don't expect any one thing to last long enough in this industry for such optimizations to pay off.

Hedge definitions


a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes

See also: hedgerow


any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change

See also: hedging


an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement; "when you say `maybe' you are just hedging"

See also: hedging


avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues); "He dodged the issue"; "she skirted the problem"; "They tend to evade their responsibilities"; "he evaded the questions skillfully"


hinder or restrict with or as if with a hedge; "The animals were hedged in"


enclose or bound in with or as it with a hedge or hedges; "hedge the property"


minimize loss or risk; "diversify your financial portfolio to hedge price risks"; "hedge your bets"