Hedging in a sentence as a noun

Probably the former, but I'm hedging my bets.

Wow, hedging against patent trolls by backing them is some sick and twisted logic.

Where is the hedging of risk by putting $40 million in a single company that's still seed stage at best?

When asked what to invest in when the market goes down, his best advice is bonds and "hedging strategies".

This along with the above, will give you an idea of whether the offense is hedging towards a run or a pass.

As far as I am concerned, this is a massive scam - hedging on the fact that some people are to lazy to return the books.

Bonds do indeed rise in value during bear markets, however hedging has almost nothing to do with profit or loss.

Youch!So my Dad's buddy, a Swiss ex-banker, chastised me for not hedging my bet by buying an 'out of the money' call option, 12 months out.

In a way, this allows them to employ a sort of bet-hedging strategy, such as that seen by yeast or other single celled organisms.

So Apple doesn't set the price relative to current exchange rates, but relative to whatever rate they're hedging against.

To insulate those sellers against Bitcoin fluctuations, the eBay-like drug site also offers a hedging service.

"But then the hedging of "probably" and "completely" was discarded by the article writers for a more sensationalist article and headline.

It is sufficient for it to be a "fundamental economic practice" or "longstanding commercial practice," like the concept of "risk hedging" in Bilski.

HFT firms do have huge execution risks: if you are making a two-sided market, there is a chance you can get "swept", meaning when the value of the underlying moves faster than you can react, you get filled on one side of the order without a realistic chance of hedging for a profit.

This means that even if certain ***** are effective, there will be a small population of cancer cells who may have mutated in such a way that they are resistant, so even if a treatment gets 99% of the cells, that final 1% can restart and the same bet-hedging strategy is re-employed to create another, diverse set of cells.

Hedging definitions


any technique designed to reduce or eliminate financial risk; for example, taking two positions that will offset each other if prices change

See also: hedge


an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement; "when you say `maybe' you are just hedging"

See also: hedge