Hedgerow in a sentence as a noun

I wonder how much would that bustle from her hedgerow net on Sothebis today.

I wanted to have a hedgerow for monarch at my farm. I called it a Monarch Corridor.

A hedgerow along a country lane does not grow that way naturally. It takes an effort to force it.

People were digging ditches and creating hedgerow as a boundary. Larger mammals like bear, lynx, and wolf were extinct or on their way out.

At the same time I've converted pasture into hedgerow and I plan to bury the wood in trenches.

Running into the hedgerows and away from the mainstream of digital life is not an option for all but a tiny fraction of people." Just get an Android phone!"

I notice you elided over the 'hedgerow in your bustle' moment. Probably wise.

Back then you'd use it at certain times of the year when the field was barren, or maybe along a hedgerow here and there. You had to be careful because it would just as easily destroy your crop as the weeds.

If it managed in hedgerows there's hope though. > thrive well on the kinds of fertilizers readily available to farmers.

Should that block of trees be mapped as individual trees, a block of woodland, or as a linear hedgerow? Different people would answer that question differently.

I ploughed into a hedgerow at speed, destroying the car which we had just bought, but, luckily, walked out of it with only bruised ribs. I didn’t have the money to hire a lawyer so I just sat the thing out.

My favourite was watching them herd rabbits for fun when we went for walks - working as a team to flush them out of hedgerows and then chase them around for a bit.

They DO get free reign of the field and the lovely walking trail, but the road is full of high speed drivers with nothing but a dense, tall hedgerow to jump in to. Ireland copied all the mistakes of America with regards to urban design, too.

There have occasionally been times where it would have been useful to know which side of the hedgerow the path is on, but I find most of the time my instincts are good enough.

I hate to break it to you but there is about 100 square metres of "nature" in the UK. All those lovely rolling hills and hedgerows are about as natural as a betting shop under a multistorey carpark. There hasn't been much in the way of nature in this country for about a thousand years.

Cycling in The Netherlands opened my eyes to how utterly backwards we are in relation to cycling in the UK. We need behind-the-hedgerow and across-the-fields separated cycle routes where families can get to everywhere they want to go without feeling threatened by idiots in Audis.

In the grand scheme of things it's like taking a penny from the penny tray, like plugging your computer in for power at a tech conference, like "testing" a few grapes in the grocery store, or like picking a pretty flower from a hedgerow.

And yes, while living in a hedgerow behind the walmart will result in an overall lower rate of population and over consumption, I don't think global impoverishment is a viable strategy towards reversing climate change. The second issue with this way of thinking is that as easily as some one changes their actions or behavior for the better, this can just as easily be reversed.

From the perspective of someone who has been impaled on the hedgerow of despair, trudged through the endless shale of '5-minute-must-reads' and fought their way through the jungle of 'lazy tutorials rehashing a languages main beginner resource', I see why these kinds of things are created and upvoted/proliferated by developers who are no longer beginners. They're probably helpful to a minority I expect to show up in this thread.

Hedgerow definitions


a fence formed by a row of closely planted shrubs or bushes

See also: hedge