Rampant in a sentence as an adjective

This has become rampant in the mobile industry.

How can such cognitive dissonance run rampant within the US.

There's the rampant myth of the "genius superstar that never fails" and you only get one chance to prove yourself.

And by "fixed the rampant copyright violation" you mean "closed the top of the funnel to newcomers".

How much rampant identity theft has to occur before our government admits that it's broken?

Turkey on the other hand is rampant with corruption, especially the current government.

As if we won't engage in rampant irresponsible speculation that they have told him to decrypt and forward everything to them in real time.

In the mid-1990s Abramoff was on the payroll of Saipan officials aiming to stop legislation that would crack down on sweat shop conditions, which run rampant on the island.

Lots of people seem to be totally immune to the consequences of rampant surveillance and frankly bizarre powers executed by the current set of governments.

Worse yet, rape and sexual assault is rampant in our prison systems, and this becomes a trauma that many inmates are forced to deal with and makes it even more difficult for them to integrate into civil society.

While archaic and stridently antidemocratic by today's standards, the system of government cobbled together by a citizens' commission in 1931 largely did what our forebears wanted it to do mind the store and eliminate rampant corruption.

I deftly dodged a piece of human **** on the sidewalk on my way to work without missing a beat, how delightfully urban-sophisticate!I've never before lived in a place where violent crime, rampant substance abuse, and extreme poverty was treated in such a blase way, and often glorified as "vibrancy" and "color".

Rampant definitions


unrestrained and violent; "rampant aggression"


rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile; "a lion rampant"

See also: rearing


(of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth; "a rampant growth of weeds"