Haphazardly in a sentence as an adverb

Right now, it's the result of hundreds of people haphazardly making changes.

I don't mind seeing the launches on the front page here, but I wish I could see them all together rather than haphazardly like this.

Part of the reason PHP is such a disgusting mess is because it is a raft of haphazardly accumulated features.

I personally would't use them as a platform, unless the benefits clearly outweigh the risks of them haphazardly cutting me off.

Our code was not set up this way at all, and it was \n clearly crippled by being haphazardly implemented in a \n functional style.\n\nSeriously?!

Mine was self-developed haphazardly, so it was fascinating to read the refined developed original.

They incorrectly haphazardly swap "income" and "wealth":The subtitle says "Explore the occupations and industries of the nation’s wealthiest households.

> more likely outright journalistic malpracticeThat is a heavy charge and the evidence just doesn't support throwing it around so haphazardly.

Perl and the human genome are almost perfectly matched; both are almost incomprehensible, with no central design, accreted haphazardly over a long time.

Somewhat haphazardly:* You don't have the C# baggage* You have a modern module system, which is only paralleled in Standard ML. This is very important for large developments where the need to split your code base into manageble chunks is extremely important.

Random rules -- no doubt put in place for good reasons to prevent fraud -- haphazardly applied to people and resulting in a lifetime ban from being a seller?I have no problem with Amazon running a clean shop.

Unrelated, but on the matter of Minecraft mods; I really wish we had a nice modding API that didn't involve haphazardly de-compiling the Java byte-code to make changes.

I'm not an engineer, as I don't have an engineering degree, but I do feel bad for my friends who do, are professionals, and get grouped in with the type of programmers who are just haphazardly winging it to this degree.

Manning fell afoul of the law by haphazardly collecting and releasing to a stranger on the Internet far more documents than any person could possibly have reviewed, many of which had no public interest implications.

Not true: A new transaction in the bitcoin network isn't linked to any IP address, since transactions diffuse through the network haphazardly: There's nothing to distinguish between a transaction coming from elsewhere and a new transaction originating in the client.

"The current rather high rate of transmission of the disease from one patient to another is alarming, and is perhaps preventable by better public-health practices aided by significant overseas funding, but if the virus haphazardly mutates into a form that spreads though more modes of transmission while still being as lethal, the world is in for a very severe challenge.

Haphazardly definitions


in a random manner; "the houses were randomly scattered"; "bullets were fired into the crowd at random"

See also: randomly indiscriminately willy-nilly arbitrarily


without care; in a slapdash manner; "the Prime Minister was wearing a grey suit and a white shirt with a soft collar, but his neck had become thinner and the collar stood away from it as if it had been bought haphazard"

See also: haphazard