Arbitrarily in a sentence as an adverb

" You should be able to meet deadlines that are assigned arbitrarily.

Why would you build anything using an API that could get arbitrarily locked down in the future?

The person in the robes would arbitrarily make up fines for the offenses according to their whims and moods.

So, they go thru great expense and hassle to bring people in, and then pat themselves on the back when they arbitrarily rule someone out. Saying no, means they're doing their job, keeping that bar high!

Rather than arbitrarily robbing people, they instead ask for protection money.

As the dimension grows, the sphere/cube volume ratio gets arbitrarily small, although sphere touches the cube at every side.

Or one of the eight combinations possible by arbitrarily switching anode with cathode, positive with negative, and left with right.

Bending the truth or outright lying to your own customers in order to deflect blame for a decision that you made arbitrarily is entirely another.

Since the route field on flights plans expects short input and this flight's route is dramatically longer, it caused an FAA system to split the flight arbitrarily into different legs.

So if you are Apple and you arbitrarily have to give up 49% for no reason wouldn't you wait for regulations to change instead of helping prop up some arbitrary partner that you are forced to do business with?

Microsoft argues that the Federal Circuit has skewed patent litigation by arbitrarily making it more difficult to invalidate patents than Congress had intended.

Wikipedia is so capricious in the enforcement of the rules, and there's so little stopping people from breaking the rules, that deletions do seem arbitrarily and inconsistently enforced.

They will arbitrarily filter candidates before the people actually competent to filter candidates get to see them, based entirely on buzzword bingo and 'number of years of experience'.You are failing and you're proud of it!

Over the years, amendments have given us some very fundamental changes: the abolition of slavery, the right of women to vote, presidential term limits, etc. Granted, it's a slow process that the author may be impatient with, but it's probably preferable to having a government that can arbitrarily dispose of people's rights.

Arbitrarily definitions


in a random manner; "the houses were randomly scattered"; "bullets were fired into the crowd at random"

See also: randomly indiscriminately haphazardly willy-nilly