Genome in a sentence as a noun

You get a grant to sequence genome "X".

Sure, in some ways that was less than optimal, but ****, it got us the human genome.

Look at the FDA's attempt to deny[5] people access to their genome without a prescription.

I do genome mapping where our indexes won't entirely fit in memory.

They can find an exploit in Steve's cancer genome on Wednesday, design a molecule to hack it on Thursday, synthesize it on Friday and start titrating it into the patient on Saturday.

One of the first dozen or so human genomes to be sequenced was that of Korean scientist Seong-Jin Kim,[1] and his genome, even though "Asian," is more similar to Venter's than Venter's is to Watson's, and more similar to Watson's than Watson's is to Venter's.

And the usual twin study methodology and other behavioral genetic studies show that mood disorders plainly have some genetic influence, although genome association studies have yet to show ANY particular gene with a strong effect on mood regulation.

But the bigger problem I have with it is the "anything we do ... bacteria will eventually discover".Some problems are just very difficult to evolve around, and it's hard to predict what they'll be even if you have a complete working knowledge of an organism's genome and biological workings.

Behavior genetic studies of whole family lineages, genome-wide association studies, and drug intervention studies have all shown that there are a variety of biological or psychological causes for mood disorders, and not all mood disorders are the same as all other mood disorders.

For example, a modestly sized genome-wide study of the general intelligence factor derived from ten separate test scores in the cAnTAB cognitive test battery did not find any important genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms or copy number variants, and did not replicate genetic variants that had previously been associated with cognitive ability[note 48].

Genome definitions


the ordering of genes in a haploid set of chromosomes of a particular organism; the full DNA sequence of an organism; "the human genome contains approximately three billion chemical base pairs"