Randomly in a sentence as an adverb

Flash already randomly causes my GPU to crash.

It's not poorly written, but why are we reading randomly selected Surface reviews?

You know, the kind of mountain peak where people die either for lack of oxygen, or because crevasses open randomly across the landscape.

With the 5% number in mind, I'd do things like imagine myself in a room full of 20 people and think "wow, it would be incredibly unlikely to be randomly chosen from this group".

Using a collection of randomly selected loans as a proxy for average cost to Zidisha borrowers is misleading.

A little bit of background; I grew up poor, people randomly leaving food on our doorstep poor, my parents giving the bike I had bought with my own earned money to my brother for christmas poor, moving every couple of years because my dad would make a bad enough name for himself in an entire town/city that he couldn't get a job poor.

Quote Examples using Randomly

Optimizing priority queues... Recalculating scheduler lookup tables... Terminating unused system processes... Recovering memory leaks... Flushing network buffers... Then it'd randomly pick a number X and report to the user "System reports X% faster.


Randomly definitions


in a random manner; "the houses were randomly scattered"; "bullets were fired into the crowd at random"

See also: indiscriminately haphazardly willy-nilly arbitrarily