Frivolity in a sentence as a noun

Third, it could score filings using a 'frivolity' score.

The price of fun is frivolity - one man's fun is another man's "stupid waste of time".

The Google bus issue is more about the self-involvement and less about the frivolity.

And of course, jokes will have a bad time, and too much seriousness can just as surely dry up a forum as too much frivolity.

There is no greater symbol of frivolity and privilege than owning and driving a car in the city.

Most people do not share your "no greater symbol of frivolity and privilege than owning and driving a car in the city" view.

Try a tiling window manager and you won't go back to that fluffy Mac drop shadow frivolity ever again.

Diamonds are only a good indicator of frivolity with cash.

Find stories where the software industry isn't benefiting from the frivolity of the system.

> The backlash in recent months against the self-involvement and frivolity of the new guard has actually been a long time coming.

Now one person comes along and takes it on himself to subvert their system, in order to make a point about the frivolity of fairs, and in the process frustrates the goals of the group.

There was a whole lot of insecurity, fear, worry that he might be throwing his life away on something impermanent and... not frivolous, because frivolity suggests a joy... neurotic, perhaps.

What you and others are doing by rationalizing it is essentially saying that none of us has a right to any frivolity so long as there are people starving in the world, and taking things is okay as long as you give them to someone who needs them more.

I'm not sure if the "moral" here is that he should have really been working instead ... I think it's nerd chic to be above social interaction, to discuss interacting with other people as if it is the pedestrian and useless frivolity of human culture.

As a soldier I'd be happy to know they're helping me not do things on their hardware that would get me in trouble.#4 Each soldier signs agreements to follow the rules around classified information, including not reading documents they do not have clearance to read.#5 Being a good soldier requires shouldering an immense amount of responsibility without the frivolity of youthful indignation.

Frivolity definitions


the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible

See also: frivolousness


something of little value or significance

See also: bagatelle fluff frippery


acting like a clown or buffoon

See also: buffoonery clowning japery harlequinade prank