Frivolousness in a sentence as a noun

Most of them are full of frivolousness, hatred, squable, swear, all that memes, gifs... etc.

You can rent, max out your 401k, and enjoy all the frivolousness you want on a 130k salary.

Can you also sue them for frivolousness or something like that?

A lot less resources were devoted to frivolousness as well.

Questions of frivolousness or caprice are not considered.

If they want to waste their money on frivolousness and get thrown out with contempt + paying the other side's legal fees than so be it.

The problem is with the frivolousness/obviousness of the original patents.

"While the Court will likely hear the remaining cases, which deal with finer points of patent law, its dismissal of Soverain speaks to the potential frivolousness of its claims.

It is not a question of affordability, but rather of frivolousness, overreach and submarining.

>If the finding of frivolity was separate from the verdictthis on the other hand further increases costs of those frivolous cases requiring a second trial to test frivolousness of the case

Some of the extra will go to industriousness, some will go to frivolousness, but would we expect anything different from general economic prosperity?

For 100 million you might have a 'sure thing' campaign, could you get 1 million people effected by 'hot issue' to pay $100?How much does it cost to get a patent invalidated, assuming a patent reeking of frivolousness should thereby have grounds for invalidation?

Do you think it is understandable that someone might know all of the facts of the suit and still consider it a farcical lawsuit, if not a textbook example of one?I ask because those facts are often presented with the presumption that the person crying frivolousness hasn't considered them before forming his opinion.

Frivolousness definitions


the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible

See also: frivolity