Frippery in a sentence as a noun

It does not have as much coaching and other "frippery" .

Got rid of the iPad -- that is a piece of useless frippery for me and no match for the MBA 11.

Prior to the 1920s, there wasn't enough mass disposable income for such frippery.

GUIs are just frippery, easy to replicate or improve upon separate from emulation.

That is exactly why endlessly messing around with text-editor configuration frippery is a waste of time.

Proof by contradiction is unnecessary frippery providing the thinnest, thinnest of covers over the triviality of the proof, which is itself the joke.

The other 82 percent is lost to signatures, avatars, UI doohickeys, and other web forum frippery that has somehow become accepted as "the way things are done".Avatars are a quick and easy way to identify an author - and that in itself carries quite a bit of information.

Frippery definitions


something of little value or significance

See also: bagatelle fluff frivolity