Clowning in a sentence as a noun

> before spikes know what to netdeck and most are clowning aroundWhat does this mean?

His go to would be him clowning around like "wah they had this cut of steak but I like filet more.

I know we quit, but we couldn't sit by with our wine watching this walnut-faced Murdoch clowning around.

Fwiw, years ago I studied clowning under David Bridel, the head of one of the clown schools in the article.

Why are you clowning around seeking reassurance from from other programmers?

Arguably, one of the most fun times to play a game is during launch, before spikes know what to netdeck and most are clowning around.

Ha, everything I've read about that world seems to be young guys clowning around for attention - magic tricks and funny outfits.

Eg "boffing", "thwacking", "clowning", in the best case you come up with something trade-markable that suggests what the word means from the sound alone.

For recent examples:- "A 17-year-old teenager clowning around on the roof of Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School fell through a skylight Sunday night, police said.

I was constantly bored by teachers who were slowed by others in the class, and as a result I resorted to clowning or doodling, or programming my TI-86.

Have you ever seen an interview or video with Thom Yorke just clowning around the the lads, laughing, enjoying himself, not really caring about much at all?

I think it’s worth noting that clowning is a really fascinating cross between improv and commedia del’arte, where there are these very structured roles people play.

Usually got bored, and started clowning around a lot.\nIt was a Montessori [1] school and this made me surpass my classmates by about 1,5 year in certain classes like math.

Internet comedian Vic Berger made a parody video clowning on FuckJerry and exposing their theft of comedian's material.

The fact that he had that kind of leverage as an independent creator who started by recording his friends clowning around at his house and now has presidential candidates knocking at his door begging for an interview shows the power of independent media

Doesn't the fact that He's not a clown make it particularly unnerving that He's in fact the scariest possible clown?Or, in what sense is God not a clown when He created not only every clown but the entire concept of clowning?Or, being a little more serious, that constraint isn't compatible with the problem Anselm stated.

If you are smart enough to see through their attempts to divide, you will see that the bloc IS paying for all of this clowning around, all of the time, and that the problem is related to the general European banking sector's relationship with international finance, the ECB & national-bank relations not being linked to any public policy we can meaningfully democratically participate in, wolf-like behavior of groups like the IMF, and I'm sorry to say the Eurogroup, and their economic interests etc...

Clowning definitions


acting like a clown or buffoon

See also: buffoonery japery frivolity harlequinade prank


a comic incident or series of incidents

See also: drollery comedy funniness