Expiration in a sentence as a noun

The warrant had an expiration time on it.

It's quite possible to just add four years to the expiration date and have a valid card.

By the same token, a glitch in the expiration system doesn't make exploiting that glitch legal.

The important bit here is that expiration failure "glitch", and the details thereof.

Try 10/10 expiration, and you are basically stuck.

If it's just a straight up glitch and the law called for the expiration of the RINs after one crossing then this is a pretty clear-cut case of fraud.

Every time Mickey Mouse is about to fall into the public domain the Disney lobby has congress extend the copyright expiration.

The magic of internet-enabled piracy is that it has allowed us to keep mankind's creations culturally significant long past their expiration date, on an unprecedented scale.

What they don't recognize is when drug makers trivially re-formulate their drug upon patent expiration in such a way that the old medicine cannot be made generically without also infringing on the new patent.

Expiration definitions


a coming to an end of a contract period; "the expiry of his driver's license"

See also: termination expiry


euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"

See also: passing loss departure exit going release


the act of expelling air from the lungs

See also: exhalation