Expiry in a sentence as a noun

I get an email from square, link to website where I entered my debit #, expiry and postal.

Of those that never changed, over 50% didn't make correct use of expiry headers!

I wrote an application a while ago which would connect to an SSL service and print out how many days until expiry.

Showing all the fields a user expects to fill out instills confidence and prevents questions like "where do I input my name and card expiry date?

There is significant debate as to whether public domain even exists except through copyright expiry.

An obvious solution is to embed an expiry in the token and check against that, however I don't think that'll lead to a very good UX if tokens "randomly" expire.

Expiry definitions


a coming to an end of a contract period; "the expiry of his driver's license"

See also: termination expiration


the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"

See also: death decease