Going in a sentence as a noun

* Are you going to get ridiculed for failing?

If I am going to talk about work, I will want to ***** about the boss.

If I am going to talk about work, I want everyone else to talk freely and openly.

Give your customers a window on their apps going dark, if appropriate.

It's a process they're very familiar with so they're going to skim and click through quickly.

Coworker was building a new house, and when it came to the numbers it was let loose that it was going to cost about $700K.

One of the earliest clues I was going to be screwed was, when discussing fundraising, A mentioned his own deferred pay.

Hey, other comments are going to give you a few lines telling you to not quit, that you should hang in there, and that it'll be alright.

Going in a sentence as an adjective

The best way to prevent burnout is to follow up a serious failure with doing small things that you know are going to work.

The likelihood that your business was going to die before you could pay all your debts was priced into your contracts.

This means, however, you are 7% likely to lose all the money, and we only make .9% margins, so this is going to be a No. We get that you don't like this.

So I'm going to try to see if it's possible to identify people who consistently upvote nasty comments and if so count their votes less.

I don't really get this T, i understand its going for minimalism, but would someone who frequents HN recognize it if they did not already know its affiliation?

I remember at the time reading newspaper articles claiming this was "just going to be used to keep ***** off the streets" and how "law enforcement are outgunned and now can defend themselves against drug dealers".It was obvious to me then that this was a violation of due process.

During that entire time, her article stood with a very prominent notice saying it was going to be deleted, with a prominent link allowing people to argue in favor of keeping or, better yet, locate a real reliable source backing up any claim to her notability.

Going definitions


the act of departing

See also: departure leaving


euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"

See also: passing loss departure exit expiration release


advancing toward a goal; "persuading him was easy going"; "the proposal faces tough sledding"

See also: sledding


in full operation; "a going concern"