Departure in a sentence as a noun

That is a major departure from our other services.

That is, they have new data showing that the previous departure was "real".

For example it's easy to take liquids on a plane, just buy them in the departure hall.

"Schneier told The Register this evening of his departure: "This has nothing to do with the NSA.

"The last I heard of the company was that as a result of my departure, they would no longer hire graduates with A grades.

While his departure does sound like the result of a power struggle that needed to be resolved, I really believe we're shortchanging his incredible achievements.

What you want is something that never crashes, thats at least twice as fast as a plane, thats solar powered and that leaves right when you arrive, so there is no waiting for a specific departure time, Musk says.

Forstall's departure is not unequivocally or even clearly a victory for those who are firm believers in iOS and its ecosystem going forward.

Having been in on the company's leadership meetings where departures were noted with a simple 'regret yes/no' flag it was my experience that no single departure had any effect.

If the Tesla employee was aware of the displayed range and still cleared Mr. Broder's departure, then the 'correct' party in this case seems obvious, and his behavior is not in any way unusual.

Departure definitions


the act of departing

See also: going leaving


a variation that deviates from the standard or norm; "the deviation from the mean"

See also: deviation divergence difference


euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"

See also: passing loss exit expiration going release