Inclined in a sentence as an adjective

I'm highly inclined to rate them highly on the extrovert scale: they're at a party.

And the peculiar evil is this, that the less money you have, the less inclined you feel to spend it on wholesome food.

You don't feel inclined to save them, but unfortunately, they're hanging over a crowd of innocent bystanders.

Something went awry here, and being just one remove away from directly knowing the victim, I'm inclined not to blame the victim.

The reason I'm inclined to believe this report's implications about Karpeles is because I spent a long time in Mt. Gox's IRC support channel talking with support reps, and they were paid to lie.

Unless somebody can provide actual numbers demonstrating that tenure is a problem, I'm inclined to look elsewhere.

But can we build a multi-hundred mile long steel tube to the required tolerances?I would be inclined to trade off efficiency for manufacturability.

We'd hope that this will get enough of our users exposed to and interested in Blender so they will be inclined to work on Blender plugins that would talk to Steam's backend services such as Workshop.

In fact, Andrew's entire description is so slanted and colored that I'm inclined to suspect that he deliberately set about getting himself fired so that he could trumpet "Google is Evil!

"My guess is that even technically inclined people connect to that more than "OK, so we have cloud-based virtualization technology which spins up ephemeral application containers then hooks them to a proprietary in-browser IDE and shell prompt.

I'm somewhat inclined to agree.> To me, this comes off as a desperate attempt to defame this movement because it threatens to demote the status of basic technology roles from "elite magic" to "basic literacy" -- and to some people, apparently that's not an amazing social good, but a terrifying prospect of power loss.

Inclined definitions


(often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency; "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody"


at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position; "an inclined plane"


having made preparations; "prepared to take risks"

See also: fain prepared