Deceit in a sentence as a noun

I cringe of deceit and sheer lack of conscientiousness.

They're not sorry for the lies and intentional deceit.

While I don't believe the reporting of all trials will fix that level of deceit, it's certainly a great step in the right direction.

But as long as corporations are allowed to use the words "buy" and "sale" for transactions which are not purchases or sales, the deceit will continue.

That's twice as true when the campaign he supported was characterized by astonishing levels of malice and deceit.

Of course, the world is so full of these deceitful negotiators that any practical advice must emphasize those techniques.

There's an implicit deceit on the part of educators, who simply "neglect" to mention that they're training students for jobs that haven't existed for twenty years.

The deceit in the case, fueled by a willfully ignorant media who would rather portray as villains anyone who dares suggest what the science really says, is equally clear, to me at least.

Instead, the correspondence was phrased entirely in threatening legalese, in terms of proprietary trademarks and public deceit.

You cannot change a copyright notice of a GPL source, GPL allows you to distribute, it even encouridge you, but nothing in the law allows you to change copyright claims.\nGPL follows copyright laws to the letter, that is it's strength.\nForging copyright notices is a form of deceit and if I am right copyright laws will say that it's theft.

Deceit definitions


the quality of being fraudulent

See also: fraudulence


a misleading falsehood

See also: misrepresentation deception


the act of deceiving

See also: deception dissembling dissimulation