Apothecary in a sentence as a noun

"What I like about Mr. Fleurant, my apothecary, is that his bills are always civil.

In the early XXth century you could purchase heroin at the apothecary.

TL;DR: psychiatrist and apothecary need to evaluate that in my country.

I would show off my teeth as a start to my entrepreneurial apothecary business.

My grandfather, who died a centenarian, was Cromwell's apothecary; he has often told me that Cromwell had not been to the toilet for a week when he had his king's head cut off. - Voltaire

They also take place when the apothecary system was beginning to form in Europe, who were skilled practitioners of herbal medicine.

She had to find ligroin as a fuel, which was available only at apothecary shops so she stopped in Wiesloch at the city pharmacy to purchase the fuel.

Reading Don Quixote I was amazed to find people 400 years ago complaining about needing a prescription from a guild barber for a potion from a guild apothecary.

Even back then, I doubt the initial motivation for government-issued monopolies was to advance the apothecary industry.

Trying to understand ayurvedic methods using modern western apothecary teaching is absolutely useless.

Apothecary definitions


a health professional trained in the art of preparing and dispensing drugs

See also: pharmacist druggist chemist