Crackers in a sentence as an adjective

A few of the hardcore crackers took on that program.

Eats a lot of processed cheap stuff; he's the sort that'll buy three pounds of animal crackers.

These are not hackers, crackers or anyone with sophisticated skills.

In fact, most websites only allow passwords of these kinds, so it makes the most sense for crackers to go after these passwords.

If they fear NSA spying why still use XP ?If you use Windows 8 you're vulnerable to talented crackers and governments.

This is what software crackers and antivirus writers do on a regular basis.

"This is what software crackers and antivirus writers do on a regular basis.

Given that the LinkedIn password crackers are slowed down at about 9 chars it seems like you're incredibly secure.

And so, strong passwords are useless!Except that this has nothing at all to do with why passwords are bad. The problem GPU crackers exploit was solved over a decade ago with adaptive hashing.

They want people fifty or a hundred years from now to look back on crackers and Anonymous the same way we look back on cowboys, ninjas, and pirates.

I will make secure firewalls, safe and unattackable, which, entering among the hackers with their utilities, there is no body of crackers so great but they would break them.

Honestly, my guess is that LulzSec is a bunch of crackers that have decided to do something about the public perception of information security.

Malicious crackers, please destroy as many non-safety-critical water pumps as it takes for people to take security on these systems seriously.

Too many healthcare discussions are focused on "who" should be paying, instead of asking "why so much"?There is no way in **** they should be charging $250 for a "recovery kit" containing a can of apple juice, 5 crackers and 4 pills of ibuprofen.

Crackers definitions


informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy"

See also: balmy barmy bats batty bonkers buggy cracked daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy