Completed in a sentence as an adjective

I completed my project entirely on my own with no mentors.

The papers are completed and mixed and then -- magically!

We have also completed an audit of all our back-up power distribution circuits.

Why are college courses giving "major" assignments that can reasonably be completed in 5-10 hours by a smart person with no training in the field?

Given that they want to wait until after additional fundraising rounds are completed, I doubt that your involvement with the company is nearly so problematic.

The only thing that distinguishes the Cathedral and the Bazaar is whether or not there is one single individual in whose head the only valid vision of the completed project exists.

Professional researchers often sign agreements in their children's blood stating that their data will be stored on an encrypted disk, won't leave their laptop, and will be destroyed when the research project is completed.

But where is the liability when no equity is being sold and instead you have commitments that backers will receive only little perks associated with a completed development effort?

Additionally the reward for getting work done faster is much greater, if I can get what I need to get done completed early in the afternoon then the day is mine, but in the office it simply means it's time to "look busy".

My head almost exploded from sloppy statistics reading the article.> Six months after the first Access Code class of 21 students completed the 18 week course, the 15 graduates who accepted job offers have seen their income rise from under $15,000 to an average of $72,190; the other six students are either still in college or have chosen to launch their own startups1: Those not getting a job were not included in the average.

Completed definitions


successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him"

See also: accomplished realized realised


(of a marriage) completed by the first act of sexual intercourse after the ceremony


caught; "a completed forward pass"