Accomplished in a sentence as an adjective

All accomplished with a few clicks of the mouse.

Mission accomplished?I don't know how else he could have done this.

What do you suggest, as someone who's accomplished this?

Someone who started younger, learned faster, accomplished more.

He was well known, loved, and respected as one of the most highly accomplished psychedelic chemists in history.

What's interesting is that Jobs accomplished something valuable to society, though not without leaving a trail of damage in his wake.

Because of the narrowness of the room, both horizontally and vertically, it was quite a challenge to **** the bed around, but after quite a struggle I accomplished it.

Scammers will just back up, look at their entire operation, and hammer away again with 300 new accounts so all you've accomplished is pissing off customers who want to do business with you.

They accomplished it via single-minded politics: Wayne Wheeler would lend the League's support to anyone who was in favor of Prohibition, regardless of their stances on other issues.

Do you understand just how little shouting that democracy doesn't work would have accomplished when faced with moral injustices like that?If your solution isn't getting passed, work on convincing people that it's the right solution.

One problem I have with "X accomplished person passed away" on the internet is that a free-for-all seems to start, wherein everyone feels qualified to judge that person's accomplishments from behind a monitor.

It's nice if the constraints are prioritized so you know what to give up if you can't satisfy them all. But there's nothing quite like saying "Yeah, we did this thing in two weeks that everyone assumed was impossible, and we did it without a binary push" or "Through our clever architecture, we accomplished with one server what everyone thought required a whole rack.

And that is indirectly accomplished by indiscriminately bombing civilians.

Accomplished definitions


highly skilled; "an accomplished pianist"; "a complete musician"

See also: complete


successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him"

See also: completed realized realised


settled securely and unconditionally; "that smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact"

See also: effected established