Realised in a sentence as an adjective

I explained that I realised what the problem was - that it wasn't him; it was me.

Then I realised what the problem was: I was trying to convert the source tree into the result tree in one big step.

I realised I almost had complete control of the buff market on my server so I changed my selling tactics.

By the time the local banks realised that it threatened to eat into their business, it had become too big and popular to beat.

I realised I didn't have to do this all myself - and so integrated the magnificent Jmol into the system.

I got dragged kicking and screaming into being an early hire at Google.> What did it feel like when you first realised it was going to be true that you would never have to work again if you didn't want to?Kind of surreal.

What I realised is that a classically "awful" sweatshop would be entail a spectacular improvement in both salaries and working conditions, compared to the alternatives.

The history of structured programming is the development of more constructs as people realised that they had a goto pattern that kept popping up in their code, so they named it and thereby got a cognitively-higher-level program.

Realised definitions


successfully completed or brought to an end; "his mission accomplished he took a vacation"; "the completed project"; "the joy of a realized ambition overcame him"

See also: accomplished completed realized