Turbinate in a sentence as a noun

If you have turbinates in your sinuses, and they inflame when sick/allergic, it can reach a tipping point where you can't smell any more.

How can anyone who hasn't had turbinate reduction think they have a condition that is caused by turbinate reduction?

And without that and the intellectual link to turbinate reduction, they will not experience the symptoms.

And yet for 15 years it has continued to be linked specifically to turbinate reduction.

Uh oh. I have a septoplasty + turbinate reduction coming up in a few weeks and my doctor never even mentioned this as a potential side effect...

I even had sinus surgery to reduce my turbinates and increase my sinus ducts which helps, but still doesn't prevent the problem.

I did an MRI of my brain for another reason, and there I go with the scan to the ENT, turns out I have huge turbinate swelling and no nasal deviation.

Some methods of turbinate surgery can damage the nerve-rich mucosal layer more than others.

You presume this is somehow unique to turbinate reduction; that is an untrue assumption.

The article says yes:> No one knows for sure why some turbinate reductions result in ENS and others don’t, but there are currently two prevailing theories.

It's in page 2 of the article> There’s this thing where the health worker jams the deep turbinate, in the back of your nose, which actually hurts and makes you sneeze on the healthy worker.

Turbinate in a sentence as an adjective

It's usually done for soft palate reduction in order to remedy some forms of sleep apnea, but it can also be used for turbinate reduction.

Found out I am hypogonadic, and hormonal issues also cause turbinate hypertrophy.

Houser’s theory argues that for ENS to occur, turbinate tissue must be removed or damaged, and then the sensory nerves in that area must regenerate poorly.

At least wikipedia says it can be fixed in many cases by a surgery that replaces the missing turbinate parts with artificial structures that serve the same function.

When I said “modified septoplasty”, turbinate reduction was the modification.

After all, if these patients are hypochondriacs whose anxiety causes physical discomfort, why would this anxiety be limited to only turbinate reduction?But these things tend to self limit.

I get this sensation in my sinuses - but only after having had surgery - I think you're feeling the mucus membranes shifting around - they can get larger/smaller based on blood pressure, I believe the membranes are called nasal turbinates.

If it takes the power of suggestion to create the sensation, how did the first people experience it?Anything that created this syndrome out of thin air for turbinate reduction should be able to create it out of thin air for other nose surgeries.

After all, if these patients are hypochondriacs whose anxiety causes physical discomfort, why would this anxiety be limited to only turbinate reduction?Now maybe your theory is that awareness of the syndrome itself creates the power of suggestion that causes the patient to feel these symptoms.

>> How do you explain the fact that this only appears to manifest when turbinates are reduced, and not as a result of any other surgical interventions on the nose?By all fairness if you haven't had turbinate reduction it's going to be very hard to think you're suffering from a condition that is said to be caused by turbinate reduction.

Turbinate definitions


any of the scrolled spongy bones of the nasal passages in man and other vertebrates

See also: turbinal


of or relating to the scroll-shaped turbinate bones in the nasal passages


in the shape of a coil

See also: coiling helical spiral spiraling volute voluted whorled