Palate in a sentence as a noun

Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth.

Many people have a sensitive palate and won't eat any cheese: it all tastes rotten to them.

This is because there are better wines, but you can't tell the nuances until you hone your palate... practise a lot!

A cleft palate is a birth defect which is easily fixed nowadays.

I don't think I have the palate to discern the difference between my K-cup and the $7/cup coffee in the high end cafes.

It seems like some kind of fish might be easier, since texture is less of an issue, but I guess that's not what the US palate demands.

It's an acquired taste, but the company and friendship that the ritual begets is worth the initial palate shock.

Now I feel like I want to read a similar article describing how the Plan 9 terminal interface works, just to cleanse my palate.

It's hard to convince Americans just how absolutely revolting Hershey's is to the European palate.

I wouldn't be surprised that the experts have a hard time with multiple tastings, as the wine taste changes with exposure to oxygen, on top of the tiring palate.

Not only does this expand their technique repertoire and palate but it introduces the concept of being responsible for your dishes, with no excuses.

The presentation reminds me of nouveau cuisine mixed with the results of an abstract art class, and I doubt the food would be very pleasing to my palate.

Advanced paternal age is a risk factor for childhood conditions such as cleft lip and palate; childhood cancers and congenital heart defects [1]; and neuropsychiatric conditions such as autism [4], schizophrenia [5,6], epilepsy [7], and bipolar disorder [8].

> This is because there are better wines, but you can't tell the nuances until you hone your palate... practice a lot!How do you know that after "honing your palate" you you'll calibrate your sense of taste to actual quality of wine, rather than to whatever the difference is between more and less expensive ones?

She dwells with GovernmentGovernment that must die; And NSA, whose hand is ever at his lips Bidding adieu; and aching Pleasure nigh, Turning to poison while the lying-mouth sips: Ay, in the very temple of Delight Veiled Melancholy has her sovereign shrine, Though seen of none save him whose strenuous tongue Can burst Joy's grape against his palate fine; His soul shalt taste the sadness of her might, And be among her cloudy trophies hung.

Palate definitions


the upper surface of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities