Presume in a sentence as a verb

I presume the ceo uses her billions to salve her conscience.

They just load it on their MacBooks and presume it works for the other 95% of the world.

But it would be ridiculous to presume that I'm unique in this regard.

Conventional key escrow schemes presume that all users know their keys are escrowed.

Is that nonsense coming from what you presume to be a bot-controlled gold-farming crew really nonsense?

Maybe I just forgot?I don't presume to know Jobs' intentions but without a history of lying during presentations I'm going to assume his were true.

Now, of course, I presume they found ways to economize and automate but it's still rather impressive that they could hold the product price down over that timeframe.

If you remove the recovery image, I presume you will not be able to recover the Surface Pro without additional media.

My boss and my bosses's boss and all the HR people I'd give an F. Absolutely the most incompetent people I've worked with in 20 years of mostly working with startups where even really competent people have to struggle with immense difficulties and uncertainty, neither of which was present at Amazon, except to the extent created by incompetence, though this incompetence went all the way to the top. I saw other people leading other teams who were C & D players, so I presume my team was just particularly bad.

Not for you directly, since I presume it will bring you enough profit, but for the economy at large: this kind of activity adds no value whatsoever to anything, no one's life is substantially and essentially improved, all that happens is that some money change hands without producing any meaningful result.

This means that we will continue to collect entropy even if the input pool is apparently "full".This is critical, because secondly their hypothetical attacks presume certain input distributions which have an incorrect entropy estimate --- that is, either zero actual entropy but a high entropy estimate, or a high entropy, but a low entropy estimate.

Presume definitions


take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof; "I assume his train was late"

See also: assume


take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission; "How dare you call my lawyer?"

See also: dare


constitute reasonable evidence for; "A restaurant bill presumes the consumption of food"


take liberties or act with too much confidence