Spiraling in a sentence as an adjective

These costs have been spiraling out of control for 10 years.

Except that civil service salaries haven't been spiraling at all.

Paying your rent on a credit card if you're living month to month sounds like it is a recipe for some spiraling out of control consumer debt.

It's important that we all remind each other of the value of this community so that we can protect it from spiraling into a bad state.

This would create to barriers to entry: a spiraling viral growth curve that is hard to follow and the recognition and trust that developers will bring to your brand.

It's interesting that the cause for spiraling CEOs salary is similar to the cause of spiraling Civil Service salaries over the past 30 years.

Nor can I make up for the falling consumption of the vast majority of middle-class families that are barely squeaking by, buried by spiraling costs, and trapped by stagnant or declining wages.

I believe that it is a perfect expression of a 20-something's love of video games, a game mechanical representation of spiritual enlightenment, and a fiendish hedge maze of fractally spiraling content all at once.

If not a sacking of the country by terrorist hoards, what exactly are you proposing the parallels between the fall of Rome and our modern society will be?I can envision terrorist attacks doing major irreversible damage to our society, but only through the fear, spiraling out of control, that they have the potential to cause.

Are users really too stupid to know ctrl+click, middle click, or right click->open in new tab?Personally I side with the author, as I open just about everything with middle click, but I also have a lot of dumb users that rely on target _blank like it's the only thing preventing them from spiraling into a psychosis filled chasm of self doubt.

Spiraling definitions


in the shape of a coil

See also: coiling helical spiral volute voluted whorled turbinate